portal to fun! on April 22, 2002 at 2:00 am Chapter: comic, cpa v2.0Characters: Adam, Bob, Donni, Emily, Emma, Evil Chimp, Freakazoid, Jacobsens, Kelsey, Link, Old Lady, Sonya, TopherLocation: Nethernet └ Tags: conga, Fooniverse, Fraggle Rock, Heather, Josh Comment
hardknock week on April 10, 2002 at 2:00 am Chapter: comic, cpa v2.0Characters: Adam, Bob, Emily, Jacobsens, Kelsey, Link, Tessa, TopherLocation: Nethernet └ Tags: cameo, Kevin Comment
let there be summation on March 8, 2002 at 2:00 am Chapter: comic, cpa v2.0Characters: Adam, Alex, Bob, Donni, Emma, Jacobsens, Link, Maren, Sonya, TopherLocation: Watertown └ Tags: recap Comment
angstily ever after: part three on February 11, 2002 at 2:00 am Chapter: comic, cpa v1Characters: Bob, Jon, Mr. Bunny, Mr. Squirrel └ Tags: Epilogue, Kevin, sepia Comment
angstily ever after: part two on February 8, 2002 at 2:00 am Chapter: comic, cpa v1Characters: Bob, Jon, Mr. Squirrel └ Tags: duct tape, Kevin, sepia Comment
halloweenies on October 29, 2001 at 2:00 am Chapter: comic, cpa v1Characters: Alex, Bob, Jacobsens, Sonya, Topher └ Tags: Halloween, Weezer Comment
Whale Week #1! on October 22, 2001 at 2:00 am Chapter: comic, cpa v1Characters: Alex, Bob, Sonya, Topher, Whale! This may be the first time Whale and JJ appear in CPA, but their journey began long before high above the sea over at Whale!. └ Tags: cameo, crossover, JJ, tree Comment
photographic reconstruction on October 12, 2001 at 2:00 am Chapter: comic, cpa v1Characters: Alex, Bob, Sonya, Topher └ Tags: Interp, photograph Comment
the first of many! on October 10, 2001 at 2:00 am Chapter: comic, cpa v1Characters: Bob, Freakazoid, Jon, Sonya └ Tags: audition, Dacquin, PVP, Sonya Attack, Tammy Faye Bakker Comment
happy fun time at interp, right? on October 3, 2001 at 2:00 am Chapter: comic, cpa v1Characters: Alex, Bob, Freakazoid, KT, Renee, Sarah, Sonya, Tessa, TopherLocation: Watertown └ Tags: Interp, Liz Comment